Friday, November 21, 2014

Obama's Immigration Action

Obama’s Immigration Action becomes a big headline in every mainstreamed media in United States from this week of Thursday, because President Obama claims that he will assert the executive power to reshape national immigration’s system without congress.

On this circumstance, many Republicans are outraged about Obama’s Action and try to shutdown his bill because many Republican people think this action is unconstitutional and seems anarchy and violence.

But why Republicans cannot stop the Bill in the first place?

When President Obama claims his action, he cites Scripture and tells Americans, “ Not who we are…we shall not oppress a stranger for we know the heart of a stranger — we were strangers once, too.”

He also added that those many immigrants are also arrested by minor offenses like traffic violation.

However, Immigration Action does not have guarantee to give a citizenship to all undocumented immigrants, because they must pass background checks and pay taxes, and they will receive Social Security cards.

Meanwhile, Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found that 48 percent said they opposed Mr. Obama’s actions, and even a few Democrats have expressed concern about the propriety of the president’s actions.

Senator Joe Manchin III , Democrat of West Virginia, says, “To put it through now is the wrong thing to do.. I told them I wasn’t comfortable.”

While I was researching about this article, I was very impressed to President Obama because he is trying to reform our national government based on our ancestors’ faith. It does not seem that President Obama is stubbornly enforcing to do something without logic, which immigrants must pass their background and paying taxes to see if they are qualified to get a citizenship, but he has a legal reason to claim the Immigration Action to help immigrants who are always in frustrated circumstance and living in “shadow”.

I personally very thank to President Obama because I know how hard to live in shadow because I came to America as an immigrants as well. I know that there are many immigrants are coming to United States to get a chance to have a better life, and I know everyone deserves to have this chance. Now I am standing here as a person who can legally work and study in school where I want to, I wish I want those immigrants to know their dreamland is still exist, so now they can enjoy their life through Obama’s Immigration Action.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Commentary On "Contraception"

On Friday, October 31, 2014, Stephanie Chattat published an article titled Contraception.

I want to start with an article “Contraception” by Stephanie Chattat.
I believe that most female would love about this health care law, 
because it reports that  insurance will cover basic health and also birth control.
but now they go further more to give a free birth control to people.
One of her cites states that Republicans came out to speak to pass out free over-the Counter medication to people, which was surprised because this event seems very unusual to happen with this kind of topic by Republicans. I like the way she puts two articles to show about two different opinion of Republicans and the other opinion that why people don’t agree with free over-the Counter- medication. As I am here as a reader, if I give a critical comment to this article is that it would be better to have more information about people who are opposing to free birth control. Nevertheless, this article make readers to understand the main point easily.

I personally agree with passing free birth control to people because I believe some minority people still don’t have enough money and poor environment to pay their medical insurance; therefore, I believe that free giving birth control would help those minority people more than include birth control care in individual insurance.