Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Be a "religious politician"

On Wednesday, October 1, 2012, USA Today published an article titled Can atheists be elected?

I found this article to be interesting because it argues that politicians should act real religious people rather than feigning to be a believer or religion to gain approval from the citizens.

First of all, when I saw the title of the article , I thought this article would argue about how religions are dominating the world, the affects within the government and how religion highly influence the citizens to select the candidates who believes in the same common religion as they do until I read the writer's background.

After reading this article I agree with the writer, Tom Kattenmaker who is a Portland-based writer specializing in religion in public life; he is the author of "Onward Christian Athletes" on Christianity in professional sports, because we see many cases where politicians are doing wrong for their own benefits, who had told to us that they are a believer on a specific topic but then show untruthful and become a hypocrite on the topic that they so called believed in because their religion.However, I feel that this article weigh more about religion which does not consider about the minority (atheists, etc.) and it can tend to make them uncomfortable while they are reading this article.

It is true that we currently have more people who practice religions than people who do not practice religion. Nevertheless, I believe that politicians should be honest and be truthful about themselves to citizens whether they practice religion or not.

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